A personalized facial treatment system for young adults who have acne-prone skin
Phase 1
IxD project
14 weeks
Persona, journey mapping, workshop ideation, prototyping, user flow, wireframe, UX/UI redesign, presentation, acting
Acne Problems Oftenly Get Worse
Young adults who have acne-prone skin are more likely to make their skin condition worse. Furthermore, it affects their personal and professional confidence.
Project Goal
Stop the Vicious Cycle
Guide young adults with acne-prone skin to maintain a skin-friendly habit, and eventually stop the vicious cycle.
Qualitative Research
Interviewing the Professionals and the Users
To learn more about skincare and the users’ habits, we interviewed two professionals and five young adults. For the more detailed and realistic data, we also observed and documented participants’ skincare processes.

We learned from the professionals that practicing a personalized systematic skincare routine is very important for each young adult. The personalized systematic skincare routine includes:
The suitable product
The right amount of product
Proper gesture
The exact area of the skin for product application
Correct order and timing
For young adults, their difficulties include:
it’s hard for them to find the skincare routine that fits them because there are overwhelming amounts of products on the market, and many different methods passing among media.
The skincare process usually takes a long time to see the progress. Losing the track of feedback makes them turn away from being motivated and maintaining the routine.
Take-aways from Analyzing the Qualitative Data
To learn more about skincare and the users’ habits, we interviewed two professionals and five young adults. For the more detailed and realistic data, we also observed and documented participants’ skincare processes.

Systemetic Routine
It is hard to know and practice the numerous tasks accurately throughout the skincare process.

An appropriate skin cleaning process is different for each individual and takes a long time to figure out.

Feedback on Progress
Lacking in-time feedback on the progress and alert of the possible harm stalls people from continuing the skin-friendly routines.
Persona and Problem Highlights in a Day
Putting ourselves into the Users' Shoes
In order to study our participants' daily lives and find out the key moments when the problems exist, we created a journey map with a persona - Ada. To have her represent our participants, they shared similar interests, goals, fears, motivations, and lifestyles that related to acne.

By putting ourselves in the shoes of Ada, we noticed some key moments that our new design can help:
The environment where the skincare processes take place can be messy because there are many different products. It is hard for young adults to keep everything organized, especially when they are in hurry.
Acne is a hidden problem that young adults pay attention to it at the wrong time and with inappropriate actions.
With a clear journey map, we can plug in the solutions while minimizing the sacrifices from young adults’ daily habits. Even if they have to do some minor changes, our design should provide incentives in exchange.
Competitive Analysis
Current Products and the Skincare Needs
To identify our opportunities to improve the skincare experience, I created a checklist based on the requirements of the skincare processes we learned from the primary research and analysis.

The common products were not designed to tackle the problems at the key moment. A few years after this project, I found that HiMirror, which was developed in the same year as our class by New Kinpo Group, is our main competitor. Other than skincare products, it focuses more on makeup while we focus more on cleaning.
Work Progress
Several Meetings, Workshops, Presentations, and Crits
We got better at communication, collaboration, and presentation with helpful advices from the class through several meetings, workshops, presentations, and critiques every week.

What does Mavis include?
Systematic Treatment for Both Domestic and Carryon
To achieve coherent systematic treatments for young adults with acne-prone skin, Mavis includes a set of physical products that guide the users through the skincare process and an App that the users can carry the alerts and progress with them.

Mavis Bathroom Set

1. Smart Mirror
Interact with the users directly
Guide users through the skin-care processes and show them the areas to cover
Quickly capture the daily skin condition

2. Detailed Skin Condition Tester
Detect and allow the users to learn more about their skin condition
Improved the personalized skin-care process as the time passes and skin condition changes
3. Facial Brush and Massager
Worked with the smart mirror and the dispenser to increase the accuracy and efficiency of cleaning and skin-care product absorbing
4. Skin-care Product Dispenser
Deliver the appropriate amount of products in the right order
Clear up the bathroom counter
Mavis App

Able to receive notifications on skincare tips throughout the day
Allow the users to check their progress for encouragement on maintaining the habits
How does Mavis Work?
The Skin-Friendly Journey with Mavis

The smart mirror activates by voice control, so the user does not need to touch anything with wet hands.
A small camera on the mirror will take a photo for a quick skin condition analysis.
The mirror will display a brief report of the day and let the user know the steps to take.
The colors show where the user should target cleaning, and the colors gradually disappear throughout the process for a sense of achievement.
When the user is done with the process, the mirror gives the user encouragement and provides some skin-care tips according to the user's need of the day.
Mavis can also provide a detailed check to get an accurate analysis.
The data shows both on the mirror and on the Mavis App.
The user feels satisfaction by checking the progress and seeing improvement over time.
When the user has questions or concerns, he/she can ask the Mavis App directly.
High Fidelity Wireframe
Mavis Smart Mirror
A proper skincare process can be confusing and complicated. Therefore, Mavis Smart Mirror leads young adults step by step through every skincare process.

How can we Improve for the Next Project
Validation from Target Users and Professionals
It would be better if we can ask our interviewees for validation or advice before finalizing our designs.
Include our Users' Budget in Consideration
School projects are usually free from budget constraints. To manufacture this project in real-life, matching up our target users and their budget preconceptions is a challenge for this project.